
De :
ducrocq jean christophe
Ajoutée : 7 juillet 2011
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Introducing the Polycom VBP System Version
This document describes the enhancements and fixes provided by the Polycom Video Border Proxy (VBP) VoIP Operating System (VOS), version It includes all modifications made since VBP VOS version 7.2.2
What’s New in the Polycom VBP System Version
The Polycom VBP system version is primarily a maintenance release too include the new 200E hardware to the VBP product family. This VBP release support’s all legacy H.323 video scenario’s and adds support for SIP audio. For more information on SIP audio supported scenarios visit the Polycom Support web site for the configuration guide.
Out of the Box Installation notes
When installing the VBP-E system for the first time, the systems DHCP server is enabled and serving out an IP address range of – to your computer dynamically. By default the systems DHCP server does NOT assign default DNS server information. After configuring the Network parameters e.g WAN IP Address, Default gateway, Primary and Secondary DNS servers the system will now assign these DNS server IP addresses to the DHCP server. If you’re configuring the VBP system for a dynamic WAN type, check the DHCP server page after you have configured the Network parameters for the presence of DNS server IP addresses received from the provider’s server. For testing Internet connectivity you will need to renew your computers DHCP address to receive valid DNS server information. You can disable/enable your network adapter, disconnect and reconnect your Ethernet cable, or from a command prompt on a Windows OS type ipconfig release then ipconfig -renew. After you verify your computer now has valid Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses you will now be able to open a web browser and verify Internet browsing.